I have my first post up on the new SPD Blogger Network.

I called it “Mother’s Intuition”.  It’s about that moment as parents – as mothers and fathers – that we just know something isn’t right.  The moment that we know we have to trust our gut instincts and stop listening to the other voices around us.

My hope is that if you know someone who is struggling, you’ll pass it along.  Let them know that they are not alone.  Let them know that you are there for them.


SPD Blogger Network Post
Mother’s Intuition

Click on the picture or click HERE for Mother’s Intuition


And while there, please join us at the site.  If you have a story to tell about sensory processing issues, share it with us.  You don’t have to be a writer.  You just have to be a person with a story to tell.  We want to hear it.

A big thank you to my two friends who helped me with this post.  They tell the best stories.